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Re: kol isha - my last word on the subject

Hi Yosl and Peggy and all my friends on the list,

Having calmed down myself -- I was incensed at the insult this was for such
a talented, dedicated colleague -- I want to summarize.

For us, it's really not a discussion as to the validity of rabbinic claims,
etc. Let's leave that to those for whom it is an issue.

The rubber hits the road for entities planning such events - who may
themselves not accept rabbinic and halakhic authority, while still being
staunchly Jewish.

There has to be a sensible yardstick for measuring what you do and don't do.

In this case, the Klezmer orchestra bearing the name Workmen's Circle with
its Bundist secular history, had a responsibility to respect Lori's right as
a musician to perform over everything. This is being true to themselves and
their history. Bundist founders would have rolled over in their graves at
this sellout.

Had it been a private wedding, with a few Orthodox rabbis on the groom's
side, they would have had a strong point. But not at a public event open to
all Jews.

Mit vareme yidishe grusn to all,

Sylvia Schildt

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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