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RE: kol isha in action

--- Leonard Koenick <lkoenick (at) erols(dot)com> wrote:
> "in
> this case some people cannot allow themselves
> halachically to hear a woman singing and therefore a
> concession must be made to ensure that no one will
> feel uncomfortable."
> .
> avi
> That's the same tired old argument that always comes
> up in any civil rights
> struggle.  Whether concerning race, sexual
> orientation, gender, or whatever.
> It's always OK to sacrifice some so that others
> won't feel uncomfortable.
> Why is there "uncomfortness" more important that the
> uncomfortness of those
> who oppose it or are subjected to the
> discrimination?
> Leonard Koenick

simply because unless you deny the right of orthodxys
viewpoint, you have to accept that to them it is
divinley ordained and you can't tamper with it. this
is not at all related to civil right where humans
decied at one point that women and minorities were
inferior, this is god were talking about here not the
founding fathers of some contry. 
and again i will reliterate, unless you are inviting a
specific dignitary who is unable to attend the event
if kol isha is to be an integral part of it, then yes,
it isnt your responsability to capitulate to the
demans of a small minority. it is their decision on
whether or not they should attend.

> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> ---------------------+

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