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Re: kol isha in action

Honestly, that's what I was thinking.  I was really surprised that they 
told me they were going to play.  I thought they'd tell me they 
cancelled because of it.  The woman I spoke to told me we should put our 
differences aside in solidarity for the good we were doing for Israel. 
 It's hard to argue with that and not feel selfish, but I am tired of 
being told there is something wrong about my singing for certain people. 
 God gave me this gift, why shouldn't I be allowed to share it with 
everyone?  What distraction does my singing offer?  Who is going to be 
praying during my singing?  Someone please tell me a really good reason 
why a man shouldn't hear me sing at a fundraiser for Israel!

Sylvia Schildt wrote:

>Kol isha - makes the gorge rise.
>And it's not a custom common to all Orthodox Jewry. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT
>FOR MIXED-GENDER ORTHODOX AUDIENCES?  In fact, I recall in the lobby of our
>local orthodox shul in Brownsville, posters for the same - I speak of
>Sheyndele di Chaznte, Freydele di Chaznte, etc.  And they often performed
>with their male relatives and choirs. No they didn't lead services in shul,
>but they performed everywhere else with cantorial and other repertoires.
>What's at play here is a frummer than thou minority intimidating everyone
>else. Everytime I encounter it -- and its equally insidious form in the
>guises of organizations afraid to offend -- I want to throw up.
>And as a WORKMEN'S CIRCLE shule  alumna, I find it pusillanimous of your
>orchestra to capitulate. The WC is supposed to represent social justice,
>among other ideals, and this is a flat-out betrayal of that ideal.  Shame!
>Sylvia Schildt
>on 2/20/03 5:17 PM, Eliezer Kaplan at zelwel (at) attbi(dot)com wrote:
>>>Rosa Parks
>>Maybe that's what's gotta happen. Maybe some community needs to have it in
>>their face and take it upon themselves to realize that in our times living
>>in our world this is ridiculous and to set a precedent for changing the
>>custom. And why do I feel so much like that old Steve Martin character on
>>Saturday Night Live saying it?

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