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Re: kol isha in action

 Just don't do 
> > it on a list about Jewish Music.
> But that's what this point is about, Jordan--Jewish
> Music.

well at least we stand together on something Lori, i
mean this is where jewish law and musical performance
intersect, why shouldnt we talk about it

> At what point does 
> a speaking voice become singing?  Where is the line?

hmmm thats actually a good one. i would say that its
somewhat nebulous, that we need to bring in a healthy
dose of personal judgement here, as with modesty
issues of the clothed variety, much personal wisdom
must be brought in to decide whether or not something
might be transgressive. i mean rabbinical law can only
go so far to guide what is and isnt modest. someone
with any degree of seychel would tell you that just
because it covers the elbows and knees its ok. a
slinky little dolce & gabbana number might be
acceptable according to the elbow/knee rule but might
fall waaay out of line with what actually is modest.
so yeah you gotta use your head to decide whether or
not what you're listening to falls into one category
or another.......


> >  And to tell the truth, Lori, if this happens to
> you so often,
> And now with the personal attack based on incomplete
> understanding of 
> the subject.  I never said this happened to ME
> often, but it does happen 
> to WOMEN often.
> > maybe you need to put safeguards in place so that
> you don't get hurt 
> > in this way.
> I am not hurt.  I have not taken it personally.  I
> am outraged at the 
> injustice from a people who have a history of
> fighting for social 
> justice.  I am outraged at other aspects which I
> won't go into now.  I'm 
> disappointed that you, who admonish others to know
> the facts, did not 
> bother to find them out from me before you assume I
> am ignorant and weak.
> >  Don't assume you don't have to be upfront about
> who is in your group,
> I was merely the hired hand for this job, and not
> present at the 
> organizers' meeting, therefore not able to address
> any of this, and when 
> I attempted to speak with one of them by phone
> yesterday, she wouldn't 
> even allow me to discuss it with her and cut me off.
> > or what it is you do, because anyone who follows
> Kol Isha is wrong. 
> > Accept that this is halacha, at least for some
> people, and as such has 
> > a degree of sanctity. If you can't do that, stop
> working for Jews.
> I am not one for making personal attacks, but that's
> just a stupid 
> remark, Jordan.  I refuse to even honor your
> statement with reasons or 
> rebuttals.
> Thank you for all your support, my friends.  I will
> continue to voice my 
> opinion about the injustice of this practice.  If
> God gave me this gift, 
> who is a man to tell me not to use it for God's
> work?
> I'll work out the rest from here.  
> mit frayndshaft,
> Lorele
> -- 
> You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe
> Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: Passover, at:
> Only $15 & postage.
> Email me for more info.
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> ---------------------+

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