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Re: kol isha in action

on 2/21/03 11:53 AM, MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com at MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com 

There is no question but that someone decided to make policies that had not
been considered and made my the committee that organized the benefit.
Obviously, they need to sit down together and decide if this is or is not to
be their policy in the future. If it is to be, there should be a
clearly-written statement that goes out when talent is being solicited that
says "Kol Isha will be respected--no female singers, please."

Obviously, if such a policy had not been decided on and publicized, a female
singer would have the right to feel slighted.  It would be correct of the
organizers to consider this in the future, rather than leaving the decision
to an individual deciding al regal ahat.

One of the big problems in these things is that in organizational work,
especially Jewish organizations that rely on volunteers, it is sometimes
unclear who is asking for what. For instance, in Lori's story, was it the
organizer who was worried about the Rabbis, or did the Rabbis actually say
something. Was Lori being paid? is there a cancellation fee involved? All
these questions have to be asked, and as is often the case, no one may have
a clear answer.


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