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Re: kol isha in action

> still disagree, how is it that in certain cases we
> can break rabbinic
> law if we *have* to but we still avoid breaking
> torah law?  Examples of
> this are equipment used in hospitals on shabbat
> (monstly in israel),
> another example is the electric wheelchair that my
> friend can use on
> shabbat, I recall that is does break some rabbinic
> laws, (it has a
> hechsher) it would certainly be muksah for me.

well if you want to put it this way then yes, its
probably better to break a rabbinic prohibition than a
biblical one, but notice how in both cases youre
referring to medical issues, where halacha is much
more fluid. i just cant bear to see people willfully
transgress something and then dismiss it by saying,
"its only derabbanan anyways" 

> however there are several prominent rabbonim these
> days who are more
> lenient on the issue.  One is Rabbi Saul Berman.
 rabbi saul berman is lenient to the point that he is
barely even accepted in most orthodox circles. dont
get me started on him.....


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