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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

lenka...PLEASE send me your cd...I WILL PLAY IT!

winston weilheimer

host/owner nusach internet radio network

ps...we are playing more yiddish on nusachmaven3

>From: "Lenka Lichtenberg" <lenkal (at) attcanada(dot)ca>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Fw: Kol Isha
>Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 23:47:33 -0800
>I hope you are not tired of this topic yet - I have to put in my two 
>worth. There is a radio show called "A Jewish Radio Magazine", every 
>morning at CJMR in Toronto. I've seen it advertised a few times, and when I
>released my CD, I called up the host, Phil Kravetsky, to offer him a copy.
>He informed me, albeit politely (and at least it sounded as if he were
>embarassed), that his show is often listened to by the Orthodox, which is
>why he wouldn't play any female singers.   I am not an assertive person, so
>I didn't say much at the time, but believe me it's felt like a thorn in my
>side ever since. It just IS so offensive, such an insult, period - the fact
>that the show is called  and promoted as "A Jewish Radio Magazine", not a
>"Male Jewish Radio Magazine", notwithstanding. Ever heard of a program that
>forbids male singers? I'll be the first to admit I'm rather ignorant about
>Halacha, but I believe in my intuition of basic rights and wrongs, and this
>just feels basic wrong - and I don't understand how it does not feel wrong
>to anyone who believes that we are all equal.
>Lenka Lichtenberg, singer-songwriter, Yiddish performer

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