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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

I hope you are not tired of this topic yet - I have to put in my two korunas
worth. There is a radio show called "A Jewish Radio Magazine", every weekday
morning at CJMR in Toronto. I've seen it advertised a few times, and when I
released my CD, I called up the host, Phil Kravetsky, to offer him a copy.
He informed me, albeit politely (and at least it sounded as if he were
embarassed), that his show is often listened to by the Orthodox, which is
why he wouldn't play any female singers.   I am not an assertive person, so
I didn't say much at the time, but believe me it's felt like a thorn in my
side ever since. It just IS so offensive, such an insult, period - the fact
that the show is called  and promoted as "A Jewish Radio Magazine", not a
"Male Jewish Radio Magazine", notwithstanding. Ever heard of a program that
forbids male singers? I'll be the first to admit I'm rather ignorant about
Halacha, but I believe in my intuition of basic rights and wrongs, and this
just feels basic wrong - and I don't understand how it does not feel wrong
to anyone who believes that we are all equal.

Lenka Lichtenberg, singer-songwriter, Yiddish performer


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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