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Re: Kol Isha

Responding to the message of <004601c099c8$11187ba0$c4a7aec7 (at) ELNzelwel>
from jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org:
> > In my view (and many others agree), Judaism has survived only because it
> has
> > accepted change,
> Marvin- 2 words- Intermarriage Rate. I don't think Judaism is really
> surviving in America!
Like Halachah, the reasons behind the high rate of intermarriage are subject to 
many interpretations.  We're getting way off the subject of music, so I'll be 

The liberal movements in Judaism preceeded the recent wave of intermarriage by 
many decades and thus they cannot in and of themselves be the reason for it.  It
is entirely possible that the liberal movements in Judaism are one of the 
reasons American Jewry has flourished as long as it has.  Couldn't it be that 
the some of the more rigid elements of Jewish practice and attitude are what 
drive some Jews out of the faith and into relationships that jeapordize their 
continuing relationship to our community?

A case in point.  The first rabbi whom I and my now-wife (who is Gentile 
emeritus and a Jew-by-choice) approached about her converting gave us a look 
like we'd asked him to eat treyfe organic fertilizer.  It took us years to get 
up the nerve to try again, this time with a rabbi who said 'great!'  (Both 
Reform rabbis, btw.)  Sixteen years and two Jewishly-involved children later, 
we're very active in our shul, musically and otherwise.  Our congregation is 
flourishing and grows every year.  There are many Jews-by-choice who are very 
involved, some in leadership positions.  They bring a great deal of passion, 
vigor, and new life to our community.  You get back what you give.

Intermarriage is the problem you make it to be.  You want people to stay, give 
them every reason to want to be involved and don't give them a reason to leave.

I wish I had something to offer on the issue of Kol Isha, especially since 
non-music items don't always get posted or get dissed.  But I'm wondering, since
I teach on Wednesday nights, if anybody caught the Barbra Streisand concert and 
how was it.  I've always admired her dedication to tzedakah. 


Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American Studies
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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