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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

In a message dated 2/17/01 5:33:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, media (at) 

> Some men chimed in with the "Law" of it
> all and how the Law can only be changed through proper procedure by the
> proper authorities over time.  (Snore).
> Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse...

Oy, Wolf, Wolf, how quickly you forget that one of those men who made this 
argument was me, and that I am still on this list. Your boredom with this 
argument is scarcely a replacement for real intellectual engagement, but 
rather the petulant reaction of a young Turk who lives in a world where rule 
of law does not exist. That is patently unfair to those who think that 
Halacha is not subjective, but a binding objective system which needs to be 
treated with care, even when it seems unfair.  The fact that you placed the 
Rabbi in question in the tenth century is a display of ignorance. Perhaps 
more familiarity with the Talmudic origin of this discussion would lead to a 
more enlightened rejection of it on your part. But no, why spoil the fun of 
denigrating something about which you possess only passing knowledge.
Am I being too harsh? Well, next time consider how offensive it is to be told 
that the Halacha is imposing a Taliban like regime on it's practitioners. Put 
away the proverbial Bazooka to shoot those mosquitos, and perhaps we can all 
play nice. 

Jordan Hirsch    

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