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Re: kol isha in action

Jordan wrote:

> I really wish all those who have not been through the Kol Isha wars on 
> this list would check the old postings if they are available and 
> consult them. 

Just because we've discussed an issue before doesn't mean there isn't 
room for another.  I remember every round we've had over the last few 
years and new points are discussed each time.  Jordan, I don't see you 
objecting each time any other subject is brought up repeatedly.

> Quite frankly, I think that Lori should find a feminist support group 
> to vent her feelings. 

I don't think that was a necessary statement.  I believe this is 
absolutely the appropriate venue to discuss the issue.

> Not because they are illegitimate. Not because I  follow the 
> restrictions of Kol Isha(which I do not) . Simply because a discussion 
> of a principle of Halacha, even one with admittedly various 
> interpretations, is fruitless in an environment where actual knowledge 
> or lack thereof of halacha does not give anyone pause to make the most 
> uninformed, anti orthodox, offensive statements about a practice which 
> is in the Shulchan Aruch, which is for all the branches of Jewish 
> practice at least the starting off point for discussions of Halacha. 
> You want to talk about how Orthodoxy is repressive? Be my guest. As an 
> Orthodox practitioner, I can assure you you are correct. Just don't do 
> it on a list about Jewish Music.

But that's what this point is about, Jordan--Jewish Music.

> Because I did not come here to be subject to the kind of reflexive 
> anti Orthodox, or Anti Halacha diatribes which are common every time 
> this comes up. You want to change the practice? Tell people not to 
> follow that halacha. Just don't do it here. And as I have said every 
> time this comes up, if you are going to discuss this, look at the 
> original source material and at least understand why it is the way it is.

When the wonderful sources were listed last time I certainly did go and 
read them, long and intense as they were, and still did not get a sense 
of how the development of the practice makes sense.  At what point does 
a speaking voice become singing?  Where is the line?  

>  And to tell the truth, Lori, if this happens to you so often,

And now with the personal attack based on incomplete understanding of 
the subject.  I never said this happened to ME often, but it does happen 
to WOMEN often.

> maybe you need to put safeguards in place so that you don't get hurt 
> in this way.

I am not hurt.  I have not taken it personally.  I am outraged at the 
injustice from a people who have a history of fighting for social 
justice.  I am outraged at other aspects which I won't go into now.  I'm 
disappointed that you, who admonish others to know the facts, did not 
bother to find them out from me before you assume I am ignorant and weak.

>  Don't assume you don't have to be upfront about who is in your group,

I was merely the hired hand for this job, and not present at the 
organizers' meeting, therefore not able to address any of this, and when 
I attempted to speak with one of them by phone yesterday, she wouldn't 
even allow me to discuss it with her and cut me off.

> or what it is you do, because anyone who follows Kol Isha is wrong. 
> Accept that this is halacha, at least for some people, and as such has 
> a degree of sanctity. If you can't do that, stop working for Jews.

I am not one for making personal attacks, but that's just a stupid 
remark, Jordan.  I refuse to even honor your statement with reasons or 

Thank you for all your support, my friends.  I will continue to voice my 
opinion about the injustice of this practice.  If God gave me this gift, 
who is a man to tell me not to use it for God's work?

I'll work out the rest from here.  

mit frayndshaft,

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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