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Re: kol isha in action

on 2/21/03 6:30 AM, Lori Cahan-Simon at l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org 

>> Don't assume you don't have to be upfront about who is in your group,
> I was merely the hired hand for this job, and not present at the
> organizers' meeting, therefore not able to address any of this, and when
> I attempted to speak with one of them by phone yesterday, she wouldn't
> even allow me to discuss it with her and cut me off.
>> or what it is you do, because anyone who follows Kol Isha is wrong.
>> Accept that this is halacha, at least for some people, and as such has
>> a degree of sanctity. If you can't do that, stop working for Jews.
> I am not one for making personal attacks, but that's just a stupid
> remark, Jordan.  I refuse to even honor your statement with reasons or
> rebuttals.
I think you should be able to identify a tongue in cheek comment when you
see one. As far as the other points go, youare the one who has brougt this
point up three or four times on this list. I was not attacking you. My
comment was a suggestion that you examine ways in which your ability to
perform could be framed in such a way as to not interfere with the religious
observance of others, but at the same time accord you the respect you feel
you deserve.
I am glad you do not feel urt, but you certainly do seem angry, and that's
enough for me to suggest that something in this is not working for you.
But as I said before, the issue is not about social justice. No matter what
you say. Halachic reasons for not listening to womens voices may seem weird
to us, but a a jewish group, they deserve a least a ceretain amount of
respect. But you continue to make this equation of Kol Isha-human rights.
And what  makes you think i ws referring to you in terms of the
inappropriate ways in which this issue was discussed? When another poster
refers to Orthodox people for whom this issue is important as
"fundamentalist pinheads," I have a problem. If that means this list cannot
handle this discussion, so be it. Like I said, you want to vent, do it in a
place suited for discussions of issues of womens rights.


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