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Re: kol isha in action

> That is the esssence of my objection to the
> practice.  A woman is hurt
> because some men (not all) are sexually aroused by
> the sound of a woman's
> voice.  It would be better to teach those men how to
> control an
> inappropriate emotion.

do you think that every issue of modesty stems for a
male desire to see women stifled? as i mentioned
before the whole prohibition of kol isha has NOTHING
to do with women, its all about saying to the man that
he should control his emotion and not go hear a woman.

lori, sylvie et al., dont get me wrong, i think that
if youve been given a gift by god to sing beautifully
you should definitely not let it go to waste, im a
singer (and aspiring pianist) myself, i know what the
power and beauy of music is all about, i just think
that if an orthodox man chooses not to hear you sing
thats his prerogative. 

the whole world is a narrow bridge
     and the main thing is to have no fear  -rabbi nachman
the numerical equation of ahavah in hebrew is 13(a prime number)
     be'ahava is 2(bet) x 13
     when two complete and unbreakable (prime) loves come together in 
love(be'ahava), you have 26
     this shows that god (equivalent to 26) enters into a relationship only if 
there is a complete unbreakable selflessness to the other    -avi finegold 
and one one hand he tattooed the word love/and on the other the word fear   
-bruce springsteen

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