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Kol Isha: striking a balance

Perhaps this attempt to strike a balance is something of a fool's goal, but at 
the risk of being called foolish once again...
1. A pre-announced program would facilitate the execution of the idea of having 
a time devoted to kol isha .
2. At some events it might make more sense to have kol isha at the beginning 
rather than the end of the program.
3. Perhaps making even more sense, if the concern for kol isha is really 
hearing the kol isha (and not mar'at ayin -- the appearance to others present), 
why not provide ear plugs?  (If attendees observe that they came to hear music, 
just not that kind of music, suggest that they bring walkmen with yeshivish 


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: LOXVODKA (at) aol(dot)com 
  To: World music from a Jewish slant 
  Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:09 AM
  Subject: striking a balance

  I am always struck by the intensity to which we react to kol isha.  It is a 
law that hits a raw nerve for so many people on both sides of the issue.  While 
I too have very strong feelings about it, I have even stronger feelings about 
how divisive this has become in our community.  There is enough that divides us 
in this world.  I would like to see what we could contribute to helping strike 
a balance.

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