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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

Hi Shirona:

As a relative new-comer to the List, you probably missed the heated Kol
Isha discussion
of yesteryear.  Much to my surprise, only a couple of women at the time
felt enough outrage to comment!  Some men chimed in with the "Law" of it
all and how the Law can only be changed through proper procedure by the
proper authorities over time.  (Snore).
Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse...

Musicians, male and female, wrote to say that we must respect
everybody's point of view and besides, =parnose is parnose=.  One guy,
believe it or not, whose own wife was in the band, told of leaving her
at home when the client demanded it.  He was incapable of grasping
the concept that his acquiesence and complicity was/is akin to "not
bringing the Black guy..."

 These are the same people, who always claim the moral high ground and
are quick to vomit up stock verbiage about "modesty," "decency" and
"family values."

"Unpopular" views on this List do have their consequences.  People will
judge, characterize
and demonize you for them.  I speak from experience.  I could give a
=shtshure's tukhes=.

Remember too, that hardly anybody wants to talk about anything
"controversial" and actually use this global forum to effect change.
Most folks want to keep it to cataloguing records/music, database
information and  news/concert announcements.  People have actually
written me privately to congratulate me on my "courage" for having said
openly what I happen to think!

As for the rabbi who started this insult and outrage against women:  I
believe he lived in the 10th century. There is no evidence of either his
mental health or sexual hangups or if he had any kind of sexual
awareness at all. The story goes that  he was "distracted" from his
prayers by the sound of a woman singing.  Tough; he should have closed
the shutters instead of bringing his petulant and thoughtless whims to
bear upon generations of Jewish people.

The consequences for women have, of course, been devastating.  But,
this  would lead to a greater discussion than I am prepared to go into
here  (On my way to Williamstown, MA to see the always-exciting

I would suggest boycotting events, venues and performers who are
complicit in these reprehensible "Taliban" practices.

To the men who are aroused by a woman singing,  you know what you can
Or you can take a cold shower.

Then contact me.  I'd travel to hear such a singer.

You are fighting the good fight, Shirona.
As far as God is concerned, I believe She is on your side.

Keep it up.


shirona wrote:

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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