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Re: Kol Isha


I do respect the Halakhic tradition.  In fact, part of my courtship with my 
wife was as participants in a Havruta program directed by the author of The 
Halakhic Process. 

We also gave our second daughter the middle name of Gamliel after Rabban 
Gamliel -- because we truly wanted to honor her with the name of a man who 
authored many takkanot, some of which were pro-feminist or lessened class 
distinctions.  Some of these positions, for example the use of a plain white 
kittel and simple coffin for burial, apparently changing the commonly practiced 
tradition of the day.  We hope that our daughter reflects these attributes of 
Rabban Gamliel -- a respect for and a willingness, when she determines it is 
necessary, to work for change of the Halakha.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: TROMBAEDU (at) aol(dot)com <TROMBAEDU (at) aol(dot)com>
    To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
    Date: Sunday, February 18, 2001 8:16 PM
    Subject: Re: Kol Isha
    In a message dated 2/18/01 3:24:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
    nusach (at) hotmail(dot)com writes: 
        ELIEZER...please forgive me, my comments were actually directed to 
        I like your I have not heard her work...does she have 
        (getting back to jewish music topic...and an email address where i can 
        if she would like to be on the show? 
    Winston, let me reiterate. I have no issue with those who do not observe 
    Isha, or any Halachic principle for that matter. My sole objection has to 
    with the casual, flippant way Halacha and tradition are treated by some of 
    those who choose either not to observe or make themselves more informed. My 
    personal views on the subject are best left to private discussion, because 
    don't want to make myself the issue, and also because I am focussing mainly 
    on the concept of respecting Halachic tradition. The intricacies of Kol 
    are discussed with great competence by the sources recommended on the list 
    Bob Wiener, and I recommend consulting them. 

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