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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

In a message dated 2/17/01 11:04:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
shirona (at) bellatlantic(dot)net writes:

> So I'm questioning here.  I'm questioning the origin of Kol Isha. I'm 
> questioning the motives behind it.  Were they about power? The male ego?  
> Is this any different than the general oppression of women by men?  I want 
> the source.  

Shirona, my whole point is that in your initial post, you were not 
questioning anything. You were condemning sight unseen a system of belief, 
the details of which you yourself express ignorance. That is not questioning. 
That is wholesale rejection of deeply held religious beliefs of your 
CO-religionists, who I think are entitled at least to the benefit of the 
doubt that their 2000 year old system of jurisprudence painstakingly derived 
in a fair manner. The questions you ask in this post, on the other hand, are 
very important, and you have every right to ask them. In fact if you wish to 
email me privately, I would be happy to discuss with you my take on the 
problems you bring up. The only reason I won't do that on the list is because 
I feel it would make my beliefs the issue, as opposed to respect for a group 
of Observant Jews and the Torah that they observe.

With deep respect,

Jordan Hirsch

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