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Re: goy

In article <1995Aug3(dot)192919(dot)2135 (at) chemabs(dot)uucp>,
Rick Turkel <rturkel (at) cas(dot)org> wrote:

>Go back to your books, Matthew.  There is no etymological relationship
>whatsoever between the words "goy" and "golem."  To quote a line I

RIghto, I tried to clarify my hedging in my phrasing.

My guess is that the folks who tried to make a "golem" connection were
trying to increase the negativity of the term.

>And, for correctness, "goyim" is derived from "goy," not the other
>way around.

And "goys" is derived from "goy", too.  Does anybody actually say "goyim"
in Yiddish?  I'd heard "Di goy"...

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