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Re: goy

Matthew H. Fields (fields (at) zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu) wrote:

: Errr, for completeness, "Goy" is usually derived either from the
: Hebrew "goyim", meaning nations, of which the singular, "goy", just
: doesn't ring the same...>>>>>>>> or from the Hebrew "golem", meaning
: idiot, dummy, mannequin, reanimated body, or Rossum's Universal

I have no idea who Rossum is, but does this individual offer any proof at
all tht GOY has any roots in GOLEM. I'm no great scholar but it makes no
sense at all to me.
Sheldon Ackerman
ackerman (at) dorsai(dot)dorsai(dot)org
sheldon(dot)ackerman (at) nycps(dot)nycenet(dot)edu

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