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Re: "Shagitz"?

In article <3v88bi$lnc (at) miwok(dot)nbn(dot)com>, rmeyer (at) kashrus(dot)org 
(Raphael Meyer) wrote:
> In article <soren-2607951935400001 (at) 
> admin-mac(dot)lrc(dot)arizona(dot)edu>,
soren (at) cs(dot)arizona(dot)edu says...
> >
> >I was listening to "The Brews", a song by the 2/4 Jewish punk band NOFX.
> >It's a song about a gang of Jewish skinheads who go out "Drinkin'
> >Manazhevitz / Goin' out to terrorize Goyem / Stompin' Shagitz / Screwin'
> >Shikzas ..."
> >
> >I'm familiar with Manashevitz, Goyem, and Shikzas, but what's a Shagitz?
> It means a bad, rough, dirty man. A temn to call a non-Jewish punk. It is the
> masculine of Shikza.
> Where can I get this album?
> (please ignore the last message I posted, I didn't finish all I wanted
to say))

The album is "Punk in Drublic" by NOFX.  It should be pretty easy to find;
it's their most recent (and most successful) album, though IMO wasn't
quite as good as some of their earlier albums.  Any real punk fan should
love it.

Soren Ragsdale, Ex Prime Minister of France
soren (at) cs(dot)arizona(dot)edu -

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