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Re: "Shagitz"?

On 27 Jul 1995, Soren Ragsdale wrote:

> I was listening to "The Brews", a song by the 2/4 Jewish punk band NOFX. 
> It's a song about a gang of Jewish skinheads who go out "Drinkin'
> Manazhevitz / Goin' out to terrorize Goyem / Stompin' Shagitz / Screwin'
> Shikzas ..."
> I'm familiar with Manashevitz, Goyem, and Shikzas, but what's a Shagitz?
> -- 
> Soren Ragsdale, Ex Prime Minister of France
> soren (at) cs(dot)arizona(dot)edu -

                Shikza : female :: Shagitz : male


       -^^^-   -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=-    
      /-----\                   D'n Russler
    { |=   =| }   (where I live)         (where I get my mail)
     )|  L  |(    Yishuv Yitzhar          6/6 Miriam Mizrahi
     (\\ V //)       Shomeron                  Rehovot
     ) \\|// (                  I S R A E L
     (  \\/  )    "Gentle speech can rescue one from (his own)
     )       (    anger"  ... Nachmanodies, "Letter to My Son"
     (       ) -=#=- Opinions expressed are my own, etc. -=#=-

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