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Re: "Shagitz"?

In article <soren-2607951935400001 (at) admin-mac(dot)lrc(dot)arizona(dot)edu> 
soren (at) cs(dot)arizona(dot)edu (Soren Ragsdale) writes:
>From: soren (at) cs(dot)arizona(dot)edu (Soren Ragsdale)
>Subject: "Shagitz"?
>Date: 27 Jul 1995 02:29:57 GMT

>I was listening to "The Brews", a song by the 2/4 Jewish punk band NOFX.
>It's a song about a gang of Jewish skinheads who go out "Drinkin'
>Manazhevitz / Goin' out to terrorize Goyem / Stompin' Shagitz / Screwin'
>Shikzas ..."

>I'm familiar with Manashevitz, Goyem, and Shikzas, but what's a Shagitz?

This sheygitz learned the meaning of the word (as a gentile male) at about the
age of 12.  Other Yiddish words learned then included shiksa, goy, shvartze,
tukhes, gelt, shmaltz, etc.  It figures...just naughty words.

Paul Gifford

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