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Re: goy

On Fri, 28 Jul 1995, Sheldon Ackerman wrote:

> Matthew H. Fields (fields (at) zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu) wrote:
> : Errr, for completeness, "Goy" is usually derived either from the
> : Hebrew "goyim", meaning nations, of which the singular, "goy", just
> : doesn't ring the same...>>>>>>>> or from the Hebrew "golem", meaning
> : idiot, dummy, mannequin, reanimated body, or Rossum's Universal
> Robots.<<<<<<<
> I have no idea who Rossum is, but does this individual offer any proof at
> all tht GOY has any roots in GOLEM. I'm no great scholar but it makes no
> sense at all to me.
> --
> Sheldon Ackerman
> ackerman (at) dorsai(dot)dorsai(dot)org
> sheldon(dot)ackerman (at) nycps(dot)nycenet(dot)edu

The word "robot" is an acronym from russian, taken from a play about
a company that produced them, "Rossem's Universal Mechanical Men".

No, GOY in hebrew has nothing whatsoever to do with GOLEM. It is the
singular of GOYIM, and any "ringing" is connotation derived from the
relative place Jews and The Nations are viewed to occupy.

See, for instance, "Likutei Amarim (Tanya)", end of chapter 6...


       -^^^-   -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=- -=#=-    
      /-----\                   D'n Russler
    { |=   =| }   (where I live)         (where I get my mail)
     )|  L  |(    Yishuv Yitzhar          6/6 Miriam Mizrahi
     (\\ V //)       Shomeron                  Rehovot
     ) \\|// (                  I S R A E L
     (  \\/  )    "Gentle speech can rescue one from (his own)
     )       (    anger"  ... Nachmanodies, "Letter to My Son"
     (       ) -=#=- Opinions expressed are my own, etc. -=#=-

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