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In article <3v8jpu$ad6 (at) hp19(dot)us(dot)dbisna(dot)com>, bakern (at) 
dbisna(dot)com says...

>It bothers me when i see on tv inaccuracies of this nature that make 
>jews look bad. One show which i find both funny and offensive at the 
>same time is "the nanny" where Miss Fine "admits" we all eat shrimp

II think it is even worse when someone tries to be smart and then looks like a 
total fool, namely you. You definitely do not know either Yiddish nor 
Hebrew.Yisroel Rice's answer is the most accurate one. Your answer however is 
the absolute opposite. I was merely stating the usage of the words in the 

 > Raphael's parents used those terms in a negative
>and biggoted way, well, that was their own definition.

I think it is your parents who need the lessons in defination more than mine.
Raphael Meyer
rmeyer (at) kashrus(dot)org

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