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Re: goy

In article <3v8se6$lmf (at) zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu>,
Matthew H. Fields <fields (at) zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu> wrote:
>Errr, for completeness, "Goy" is usually derived either from the
>Hebrew "goyim", meaning nations, of which the singular, "goy", just
>doesn't ring the same... or from the Hebrew "golem", meaning
>idiot, dummy, mannequin, reanimated body, or Rossum's Universal Robots.

Go back to your books, Matthew.  There is no etymological relationship
whatsoever between the words "goy" and "golem."  To quote a line I
learned in high school, "It's far better to keep your mouth shut and
appear to be a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt!"  The same
applies to fingers on a keyboard.

And, for correctness, "goyim" is derived from "goy," not the other
way around.
Rick Turkel         (___  _____  _  _  _  _  __     _  ___   _   _  _  ___
rturkel (at) freenet(dot)columbus)|   |  \  )  |/  \     |    |   |   \__) 
rturkel (at) cas(dot)org        /      |  _| __)/   | ___)    | ___|_  |  _(  \ 
Rich or poor, it's good to have money.  Ko rano rani | u jamu pada.

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