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Re: Klezical Tradition in Springfield, MA April 19

In a message dated 4/21/04 12:59:12 PM, rokhl (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

> Maybe you were getting someone who didn't know
> what they were doing...

Presumably I'm "speaking" with the guy in charge for now: Steve Lurie. Not 
I send a packet and the first thing that comes back is "Do YOU think you can 
get 50 people there?"   Almost like a dare. You send a CD, full of good 
reviews in the envelope and a decent bio and that's what he says first thing?? 
needn't approach people that way. After all, you're not getting a king's 
ransom; it's called "da door!"    I' would think there more pleasant ways to 
get a 
dialogue going.   And it continued downhill from there. Did you hear, Rukhl, 
from this "horse" Steve or do you think it was someone else?

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