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Re: vibrato

In a message dated 2/4/02 7:42:29 PM, awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com writes:

<< Theres a sort of a quaver that DT seems to be

doing  with his oral cavity.  >>

Well this point has always interested me. I, a flutist wishing to pick up 
wind techniques, was listening to DT and noticing this quivering. BUT, I also 
noticed that the quivers were only on certain notes. On others it would be 
virtually straight. And, these choices were consistent.  Flutists, if using a 
finger technique, will be limited to which notes this kind of finger vibrato 
could be used. I would assume the same is true of clarinet.  Do you think, 
because of your input from Statman, that this is totally barking up the wrong 
tree? If I had the time right now I could find the examples; they're really 
consistent, from what I remember. It just seemed TOO consistent for "artistic 
Mike, can you please explain how Tarras did that quiver his oral cavity? 
Really detailed? Give it a whirl, a real hard try. I certainly know about 
throat vibrato but this is perhaps not what you mean. I really want to know 
more about this, whether I'm right or wrong about the above applications on 
certain notes.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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