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Re: vibrato

In a message dated 2/3/02 2:57:52 PM, ericabuxbaum (at) yahoo(dot)com writes:

<< A possible analogy would be, say, that a certain color
like red might have been deemed appropriate only for
small accessories like a pair of gloves at one time;
then later it becomes fashionable to wear red gloves,
shoes and belt; after that good taste comes to
encompass gloves, shoes, belt, hat, and shirt. Later
still, it is in good taste to wear fire engine red for
every piece of clothing and even your hair! >>

DELICIOUS analogy. MUCH better :-)
Thanks also for the continuation of the historical development of the 
vibrato, how it managed to grow and grow and grow. I'm starting to imagine 
this as some sort of out-of-control dividing cell!
And now, can we all sort of jump into a discussion of how much vibrato was 
used in klezmer and when and where and.....? Certainly there are violinists 
and flutists who seem to believe strongly in the yes or the no side of the 
issue. ????

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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