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Re: vibrato

How interesting!  I recently took a clarinet lesson with Andy Statman.  The 
first thing that he noticed (and quickly changed in) my playing, was how I made 
use of vibrato.  I used it every so often to embelish certain held out notes, 
and to add color to certain sustained tones.  He told me that Dave used a 
constant vibrato.  It is a very light vibrato, unlike that used as an ornament 
(because it is constant.)  The one he taught me is more of a quiver than a 
traditionally used wider vibrato.  This is something that is unique to the 
clarinet I suppose,  and it changed my sound completely. I thought you all 
might find it interesting!!    Michael Winograd

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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