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Re: vibrato

on 2/3/02 3:19 PM, AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com at AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> In a message dated 2/3/02 2:57:52 PM, ericabuxbaum (at) yahoo(dot)com writes:
> << A possible analogy would be, say, that a certain color
> like red might have been deemed appropriate only for
> small accessories like a pair of gloves at one time;
> then later it becomes fashionable to wear red gloves,
> shoes and belt; after that good taste comes to
> encompass gloves, shoes, belt, hat, and shirt. Later
> still, it is in good taste to wear fire engine red for
> every piece of clothing and even your hair! >>

> And now, can we all sort of jump into a discussion of how much vibrato was
> used in klezmer and when and where and.....? Certainly there are violinists
> and flutists who seem to believe strongly in the yes or the no side of the
> issue. ????

That's a great analogy. And it perfectly expresses my sentiments about use
of vibrato in klezmer violin, or any other folk style such as Celtic,
Appalachian and contradance for that matter. It always drives me nuts to
hear classically trained violinists play folk fiddle styles with vibrato on
every note. 

In Steven Greenmans' violin class at KlezKaanada two years ago he suggested
that we all play the tunes completely without vibrato (easy for me as a
folkie who could barely play vibrato on a violin at the time), then add it
in where desired as an ornament, perhaps in place of a kretch or downward
slide. Incidently, the vibrato ornament he used was more of a trilled
vibrato than the standard classical technique.

Personally, I think a little vibrato goes a long way in klezmer fidl. That
said, I've got nothing against wearing fire engine red, especially when my
hair was redder than it is now.

Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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