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Re: Dancing

At 02:45 PM 12/29/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>>I mean, "klezmer music" wasn't known as "klezmer music" until the 
>>revival--until Zev Statman and Andy Feldman used the term (from 
>>Beregovski) on an album title. For that matter, "klezmer" was a term 
>>for a lousy musician too incompetent to play anything but 
>>traditional gigs--badly--until recently. Ask oldtimers at klezkamp 
>>what they would have thought of someone who called them "klezmers" 
>>or "klezmorim" fifty years ago.
>Andy Statman and Zev Feldman.

I am only lighsty dyslcix :-)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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