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"Klezmer music" [was: Dancing]

Ari Davidow wrote:

> I mean, "klezmer music" wasn't known as "klezmer music" until the 
> revival--until Zev Statman and Andy Feldman used the term (from Beregovski) 
> on an album title.

        Beregovski used the term "klezmer" to refer to the musicians and 
sometimes used the shorthand "klezmer music" (klezmerishe muzik/klezmerskaia 
muzyka) for what he normally called "Jewish instrumental folk music" in both 
Yiddish (yidishe instrumentale folks-muzik) and Russian (evreiskaia narodnaia 
instrumental'naia muzyka), whence the title of the Beregovski volume translated 
and edited by Mark Slobin, Michael Alpert and myself and recently published by 
Syracuse University Press.

            Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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