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Kol Isha

  There are so many different types of Orthodoxy. I don't know who you had dealings with, but to lump everybody in together is a huge mistake. Personally, if I didn't have to work under some many irreligious circumstances as an actor, I would probably practice Orthodox Judaism. But working Friday and Saturdays is my bread and butter. Try an egalitarian minyan. I don't want to trash people and their beliefs on this list, just state mine. That's why I try and personalize my statements. I love being Jewish. In the words of Rodney King: why can't we all just get along?  I refuse to be as intolerant as some of my co-religists would be of me and my ideas of Judaism and Halacha. But I also don't want to see them trashed  on this List, either.
     Shalom Y'all,
        Trudi the G

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