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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

At 10:57 AM 2/20/01 -0500, you wrote:
>And I'm fed up with putting up with people who have the attitude that only 
>Orthodox Judaism is Judaism and the rest of us are heretics.

No one on the list can account for your personal experiences. We've all met 
closeminded people, and the species seems to be pretty fairly distributed 
across the political, social, zipcode, and whatever spectra.

I don't =think= that anyone on this list has expressed the attitude to which 
you are reacting. When discussing emotional issues, it's important to remember 
we're all talking with real people who are reading what we say--not stand-ins 
for every idiot who exemplifies that which drives us crazy. So it's important 
to phrase things as those spoken to someone who is listening, or who might 
listen if spoken to respectfully. (Agreement is a whole 'nother issue, and not 
something I would expect to resolve here :-).)


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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