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Re: Kol Isha

shirona wrote:
> >
> > We need to get to the root of this "pathology".  Why are we wasting so =
> > much time and energy on  minutiae? How much longer can this dialogue =
> > continue poking around the surface?   It's like trying to heal Cancer =
> > with band-aids.  If we don't understand why this problem is so tough to 
> > resolve, - we will never heal.  It will never just "go away".
> >
> > I asked this question before - but no one answered me yet. (except for a 
> > "diss" from Eric...)=20
> >
> > There are only TWO sexes in this world,  to the best of my knowledge.  =
> > Is it OK that one sex has the power to make all the rules that bind both 
> > sexes, and that the other sex has no say in that process.  For me it is 
> > that simple, and the answer is either yes or no. If this is not the core 
> > issue - then what is?
> >
> >
Shirona, first, you know where i stand on the issue....and being one that 
demanded a yes or no answer, I do have to say that on this question it is 
not quite that simple.  I think that one must look at the issue from two 
different worlds, one inside the orthodox community and the other from 
without.  As I posted earlier, if you are willing to attend functions within 
the orthodox community, you do have to have a respect for their feelings.  I 
don't think you would try to sit with the men at an orthodox minyan.  You 
could try to make the point, but why do so?  However the issue of kol issa 
when it comes to public appearances for a concert or non religious event, or 
even on cd's or my radio show i think it is a different matter.  What care 
you if an orthodox man refuses to come to hear you (except perhaps loss of 
revenue and his chance to hear your beautiful voice...i am a fan!).  that is 
his loss after all.  Yes Kol Isha issue is anti woman...(like how the 
orthodox always turn it around to say it is really to protect the 
men?...they do this with a lot of other things as well), but really within 
their own community they have the right to live in the 18th century if they 
want, and if they can convince their women to accept it, that is also their 
perogotive....our task is to be true to ourselves and to do what we think is 
right.  Just as we demand that the orthodox do not impose on us the way they 
THINK we should live and act, we can not impose on them how we think they 
should either. never answered my yes or no...would you refuse to attend an all 
woman event that did not allow men?


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