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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: TROMBAEDU (at) aol(dot)com 
  To: World music from a Jewish slant 
  Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 4:17 PM
  Subject: Re: Fw: Kol Isha
  You are right in principle. But I will say, (again), when it comes to tenet's 
  of Jewish belief, such as that Halacha is part of a tradition developed over 
  thousands of years, those who adhere to it are entitled to the benefit of the 
  doubt that it should not be condemned before being investigated. 

  Please don't take any of these comments as personal attacks on you or on 
Orthodoxy.  The discussian has been about a particular practice.  For myself, I 
accept your explanation of the reason for the practice, and I don't condemn any 
one who follows it.  But I do think that it is responsible to question the 
practice itself, and I feel that it can be changed over time.  Someone else 
remarked, Judaism does change, but slowly.  Naturally, some folks accept a 
change more quickly than others.  Everyone on this maillist obviously accepts 
the 'Net, but there are some who think it is the  work of the devil.

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