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Who do you write for?


From:  Rmsarig (at) aol(dot)com[SMTP:Rmsarig (at) aol(dot)com]
Sent:  Monday, July 12, 1999 10:59 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  Re: FW: RUN-DMC?

>  Let me share a trick with you and everyone else.  If you can't find 
>  anything with the top search engines such as Alta Vista or Yahoo, go to 
>  multi-engine search tool Dogpile (  With 
>  of one or two with a unfocused engines, it searches at least 10 of the 
>  search engines all at once.   Definitely worth bookmarking. I just put in 
>  "Swindler's Lust" and found a large collection of sites with info.  Tons 
>  stuff for everyone to read about this song, Public Enemy, MP3, MP4, etc., 
>  but I don't have any more time for this now.

Thanks for the tip. I'll try it out.
>  But I do have one question:   You have heard thousands of rap songs?   Why 
>  did you want/have to do that?   Is there a rap music station that you were 
>  always tuned into?

I work as a music critic, and mostly I write about popular music. Right now 
hip-hop is the dominant form of popular music with young people, so I come 
into contact with it a lot. Of the 30-50 new CDs I hear a week, I'd say about 
90% are total garbage, and maybe one or two is worth repeated listens. If 
find this ratio to be about the same whether I'm listening to rock or rap or 
country. That's to say that I don't like rap as a whole, but I very much like 
some rap, and the same goes for all music. I try not to discriminate genres, 
since they're ultimately meaningless and trivial anyway. 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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