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Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> In a message dated 7/12/99 8:50:47 PM, media (at) kamea(dot)com writes:
> << Elvis was indeed ripped off by the Colonel, his manager (who received an
> astronomical 25%), but Elvis didn't seem to mind.
> The Colonel received, officially, 50% but  often made more than Elvis.

HI Simon:I have always read that their deal was for 25%, but if you say so.I
do, however, understand how a manager can make more off an artist than the
artist himself.  This was the case with Bob Dylan and his manager Albert
Dylan chose to remain virtually inactive (as far as performing went) for eight
years until his contract ran out.

> <<I much prefer the rants of Little Richard, who never misses an opportunity
> to
> state the horrendous facts regarding his own career. >>
> Richard has a tendency to take credit for anything & everything -anything he
> says should be taken with a (LARGE) grain of salt.

Okay.  But,  he certainly composed his own songs and delivered them
wonderfully.Wher rock and roll was in it's infancy, he saw bland, sanitized,
whitebread cover versions of his songs soar to the top of the charts, while his
own renditions were not given the push, the airplay and the resultant rewards.
He has a right to complain.

He is the o-riginator.  He is the architect of rock and roll.

Long live Little Richard!



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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