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> Let me share a trick with you and everyone else.  If you can't find 
>  anything with the top search engines such as Alta Vista or Yahoo, go to 
>  multi-engine search tool Dogpile (  With 
>  of one or two with a unfocused engines, it searches at least 10 of the 
>  search engines all at once.   Definitely worth bookmarking. I just put in 
>  "Swindler's Lust" and found a large collection of sites with info.  Tons 
>  stuff for everyone to read about this song, Public Enemy, MP3, MP4, etc., 
>  but I don't have any more time for this now.

Good tip. Here's what I found on

Really Randoms:
Public Enemy More anti-Semitic heat for Public Enemy and more
PE back in the hot seat. 

Public Enemy have once again drawn criticism from the Anti-Defamation League, 
though this time the band and their label are shooting back. Last Friday, 
Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL, fired off a letter to PE's 
label, Atomic Pop, citing the title and lyrics of the song "Swindler's Lust" 
from the new album There's a Poison Going On... as being anti-Semitic. In 
reply to Foxman's letter, which charged the song with including "offensive 
and anti-Semitic overtones and references to the six million Jews who 
perished in the Holocaust," Atomic Pop sent the ADL a copy of the song's 
lyrics with a letter stating, "There are no anti-Semitic references. We 
support artistic freedom, yet we are aware that art is always subject to 

For his part, Chuck D rattled off a more incendiary commentary related to the 
dispute in his "Terrordome" newsletter at, writing, in 
part: ". . . I knew some assholes would blindly attack me in the dark. In the 
beginning, I claimed there were swindlers in all shapes, colors and sizes and 
left it at that." Chuck D claimed the lyrics have been misconstrued, that the 
song targets record company execs, not Jews. "The word nigger has been 
financed into the mainstream over the past seven years only for swindlers to 
lust afterwards on the profits made off blood in the streets," he wrote in 
the newsletter. Foxman fired back in kind in a statement: "Denying the 
existence of anti-Semitism doesn't make the problem go away. The record 
company's response to the song is completely unacceptable. Now we're going to 
exercise our First Amendment rights by standing up and calling this 
unambiguous anti-Semitism." Though PE and Atomic Pop claim innocence of 
charges of anti-Semitism, this dispute isn't the group's first foray into the 
ADL doghouse. Ten years ago, PE Minister of Information Professor Griff was 
discharged from the group when he told the Washington Post that Jews were 
responsible for "the majority of the wickedness that goes on across the 
globe." A year later, Chuck D was criticized for the song "Welcome to the 
Terrordome," in which he declared "They got me like Jesus" . . .

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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