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> I used the heading because reading the anti-Semitism thread I realized
>  that I never tracked down a selection that someone (maybe Wolf)
>  referred to several months ago by The Clash -- a video/song
>  (Salim/Kalif ?? ) Don't Like It" which had Arab/ sterotype Khasidim.
>  Help anyone?

The song is "Rock the Casbah". It's the video more than the song that 
contains Arab and Hasidic caricatures. There's another Clash song, by the 
way, that's more often cited as anti-Semitic. An older song called "Working 
for the Clampdom," which contains the line "Is this man a Jew..." (I can't 
quite decifer the surrounding lines). However, I'm also under the belief 
(though I don't think it's been established) that Clash leader Joe Strummer 
is himself Jewish. It wouldn't necessary prove the song isn't anti-Semitic, 
but it seems likely the lyrics in question adopt the voice of a 
fascist/anti-Semite to be ironic, since otherwise the Clash are known to be 
among the most outspoken leftist rock bands of their time. 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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