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Dear Bob:

I, too don't know if its "Salim" or "'Kalif" -- but I am quite sure it is
on their "Rock(In') The Casbah"  CD.  The video had some very strange
Arab and (Orthodox) Jewish  characters.

The Clash were a cool band, in that they were poor but enthusiastic
musicians, but  more important, self-empowering.  In their time and
milieu, they make a lot of sense, as the film "Rude Boy" shows.

In my opinion, they were rather  naive politically, once they concerned
themselves with
the world outside of  the British Isles; though I think they had the best
of intentions.

I always loved the name Joe Strummer, and that they lambasted the
"poodle-bands" --
the working-class bands that got rich and became just like the
aristocrats they originally despised.

Wolf Krakowski

robert wiener wrote:

> I used the heading because reading the anti-Semitism thread I realized
> that I never tracked down a selection that someone (maybe Wolf)
> referred to several months ago by The Clash -- a video/song
> (Salim/Kalif ?? ) Don't Like It" which had Arab/ sterotype Khasidim.
> Help anyone?
> Bob

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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