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<< Elvis was indeed ripped off by the Colonel, his manager (who received an
astronomical 25%), but Elvis didn't seem to mind. 

The Colonel received, officially, 50% but  often made more than Elvis.

<<I much prefer the rants of Little Richard, who never misses an opportunity 
state the horrendous facts regarding his own career. >> 

Richard has a tendency to take credit for anything & everything -anything he 
says should be taken with a (LARGE) grain of salt.  At one time Richard was 
managed by JW Alexander who was one of the "Soul Stirrers", he was Sam Cookes 
manager and partner.  I knew JW for about 10 years, and beleive me, most of 
the problems Richard had, he brought on  himself. As far as being ripped off, 
don't beleive everything you hear.

I haven't known many artists who beleive  their label is doing all it can for 
them.   Many artist, before they experience the reality of the music 
business,  feel that all you do is cut a record and the money just rolls in. 
It doesn't happen that way....  especially in Jewish music. As I've told many 
kids who said they want to start a Kleamer band, "if you enjoy it, then have 
a good time with it, but don't give up your day job!"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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