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In a message dated 7/12/99 6:54:16 PM, media (at) kamea(dot)com writes:

<< At the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,when a Black artist is inducted into the
Hall, he is often impoverished in his old age while the Jewish businessman who
sold his records (and often attached his name to the artist's original
compositions) stands laughing in the wings,  fat and <ungeshtopt> due to
financial gains engendered by unethical, exploitative contracts and other
miscellaneous chicanery.

Sorry my friend, but I think that is a bit too simplified.  
The fact is that practically EVERY artist in the Rock & Roll era got ripped 
off  by their record companies. Not long ago there was a PBS program about 
the music scene  of Chicago. A very famous black composer-producer said that 
the Black record companies were no less guilty than the white owned companies 
of cheating the artists.  Motown was notorious for ripping off their artist.  
Look at what happened to Florence Ballard and Mary Wells and they were as big 
as you could get. 
Berry Gordy was notorious for changing one word on a song & putting himself 
down as co-writter.
There was VJ Records a major black owned label before Motown that got so 
greedy it put itself out of business and the had THE BEATLES before Capitol 

Many white artists got ripped off as well. Elvis got royally ripped by Col. 
Tom Parker...probably the biggest rip off in record history. 
The fact is,that the individual who has the power to cheat his artist will do 
so if he is inclined to do so. Religion or Color is not the issue, the issue 
is morals.
No group has the exclusive on treachery.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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