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Re: Re[6]: Itsy Bitsy Spider and other Liturgucal Themes

Funny. I've always found that looking for, and then using, folk melodies
for t'filot to be very, very satisfying. In my family, in fact, we have a
minhag (custom) of singing Shir HaMaalot to a completely different tune
every Friday night (Home on the Range and Waltzing Matilda come right to
mind as "successful" attempts - Dixie didn't work so well). It helps bring
the kids back to the table, so to speak. Actually, I've found that Gaelic
melodies are a particularly good source to mine. El Adon (from the Shabbat
morning service) goes particularly well with Eamon A'Knick, one of the most
beautiful and haunting melodies on the face of the earth. Shir HaMaalot is
well served by Oro Se do Bheatha Bhaile. Adon Olam is great with Ar Fol Lo
Lo O Horo (which is probably from the Scotch Gaelic). So, nu, all you
Celto-Yidn, go for it!

As far as I'm concerned this is an inevitable process anyway.

-Andy Rubin
The Freilachmakers Old Time String Band

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