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Re: Linguistics

>I'd just like to request that poster either limit their use of Yiddish or 
>translate it. There's an awful lot of people on this list simply not 
>bothering - most of us (i daresay) don't speak Yiddish. If you want to 
>have a private conversation you *can* take it offlist.
>Thanks. (BTW, this should probably be true for other languages as well.)

Well, the point about remembering to translate is well-taken, 
but it would be unfortunate to create a situation where folks
who =are= familiar with languages specific to Jewish experience
(Hebrew, Yiddish, Judesmo, et al) felt inhibited about using
words or expressions from such languages where they fit the

Still, thanks for the reminder that our only common language 
(on this list) is English.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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