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Re[8]: Itsy Bitsy Spider and other Liturgucal Themes

Indeed.  and Minhog is also a powerful tool.  I've worked with 
congregations of elderly people for about 20 years, and the last thing they 
want to know is that they've bee doing it worong all these years (even if 
they have!)  And they do not like change.  They notice when I wear a new 
tie, and I dare not introduce a new congregational melody or they will fall 
into sullen silnce (solos are ok if they like them).

A younger congregation would be or could be different...

My 2 cents

Richard Wolpoe 
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Subject: Re: Re[6]: Itsy Bitsy Spider and other Liturgucal Themes  
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    2/26/98 12:53 PM

Knowledge can be a powerful tool.  If you and your congregants now think 
of the spider while singing this prayer perhaps you should stop using 
that tune.  In my services we do not use that tune for exactly that reason.

Cantor Sheldon M. Levin
slevin (at) mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us

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