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RE: survey of who is doing what jewish music

Ok, I'll be the person on the left...

Although I am new to this list, when I discovered it I felt that I had
come "home", home meaning that subsection of Jewish music that I love so
much. It is what I consider the late 20th-21st century manifestation of
"Yiddishkeit". I come from the musician as well as fan sides of the
fence (if there is a fence). I enjoy listening to and playing:

Israeli (qualified - the Israeli that is more "Jewish" as opposed to the
Israeli         that is pop music that happens to be sung in Hebrew - Ba'shana
        Ha'ba'aa is a good example of the former)
Yiddish Folk and Theatre Music
Chassidic Music - the songs and the niggunim - not the current Chassidic
Separdic (again qualified - most of the Sephardic repertoire that
Tzimmes does
        I like a lot - I have trouble relating to some of the more esoteric
        repertoire that Voice of the Turtle does, e.g.)
Liturgical Music done in a celebratory manner - Yismakh Moshe/Yismkhu by
        Wholesale Klezmer Band, e.g.

I suspect that if I knew a lot more about other types of world music I
would like  a lot of it, too (for instance the Latin interlude in Flying
Bulgar's Ale Brider is wonderful)

I think that celebratory (both in terms of enjoying a celebration and in
terms of what makes me feel good about being Jewish) is the operational
word here.

I think that the display name on the list, "World music from a Jewish
slant.", is right on the mark.

Dick Rosenberg

>From:  Ari Davidow[SMTP:ari (at) ivritype(dot)com]
>Sent:  Wednesday, February 11, 1998 8:54 AM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:       survey of who is doing what jewish music
>I got a query a couple of days ago from someone new to the list
>who was dismayed that there were only posts regarding klezmer
>music and wasn't sure if there was anyone here on the list who
>was interesting/involved with Cantorial music.
>It occurred to me that it might be a nice idea to survey people
>on the group and get a sense of the diversity that is (hopefully)
>represented here, including both fans or musicians who are also
>I realize that my interests tend to be somewhat limited with
>regard to the span of "jewish music" overall, and worry, in turn,
>that I am limiting the list because I don't have questions or 
>comments in areas that I know less.
>First off, I am a fan, not a musician. (When I blew a bad blues
>harp in Jerusalem 20 years ago, it was bad, not baaaaaad.) I tend
>to gravitate towards some Israeli rock and especially the parts
>that fuse many musical traditions. (Yehuda Poliker comes to mind,
>or the original "Breira Ha-tiv'it). These days, I listen much
>more to a zillion forms of klezmer, and, increasingly, new Yiddish
>music; occasionally Sephardic music. You can follow the klezmer side
>of my explorations at the Klezmer Shack:  
>Okay, now it's the turn of the person on my left ;-).
>Ari Davidow
>The klezmer shack:
>owner: jewish-music mailing list
>e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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