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Re: survey of who is doing what jewish music

A couple of years ago, for the 3000 Anniversary or Jerusalem,many recordings
were made to commemorate the event.
A special commemoration Cd was produced in France featuring artists -not all
being Jewish-from various countries in various languages and styles-from
Reggae to traditional .. This  is the listing on the CD:

                   "Jerusalem 3000 Ans" -"Jerusalem 3000 Years

        Alpha Blondy & The Wailers-"Jerusalem"  (Reggae in English)
        Sinea O'Connor-"Jerusalem" (English-not the same song as above)
        Adamo-"Inch'Lllah" (French)
        Marie Laforet-"Jerushalem, Jerushalem" (French)
        Enrico Macias-"Noel A Jerusalem (French)
        Samy Goz-"Yerushalayim Shel Zahav-Jerusal Of Gold"(English)     
        Shuli Nathan-"Yerushalayim Shel Zahav"(Hebrew-Original Hit version)
        Corinne Hermes-"Je N'ai Jamais Vu Jerusalem-I've Never 
                                  in French)
        Sen Gupa-"Ami Jerusalem" (Sung in Bengali)
        Yeroram Gaon-"Me'al Pisgat Har Hatzofim-From Mt. Scopus(Hebrew)
        Duo Darom-"Sisu Et Yerushalayim" (Hebrew)
        The Brothers & Sisters-"Ve Le Yerushalayim Ircha"(Hebrew)
        Ricki Manor-"Od Ishama"(Hebrew)
        The Parvarim-"Yerushalayim Shel Or-Jerusalem Bathed In Light"(Hebrew)
        Zilla Dagan-"Bashana Haba'a Bi Yerushalayim-Next Year in 
        Glykeria-"Shabchi Yerushalayim"(Hebrew)

This cd is now out of print, but we have a limited amount still in stock.

Hatikvah Music
Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com

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