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Re[4]: survey of who is doing what jewish music

Dear Ari, Simon, and all,
        I think we succeeded in broadening and enlivening this category without 
hurting Klezmer or any other sub-group.

Yasher koach to all.


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Subject: Re:  Re[2]: survey of who is doing what jewish music 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    2/12/98 1:41 AM

Hi Richard  et All,
 I have been often asked which recordings are our best sellers and which
catagories are the most popular.  I think many people would be surprised by 
the answer.


I hope this is of interest to more than just Richard.  I want to thank all the 
people on the list that have recommended recordings to me.  Unfortunately, it 
is not always possible to locate them all, but I do listen to your 

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