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Re: gravitating towards

>Having said that, I expect that the list topics will naturally gravitate
>towards the collective interests of it's participants, and that seems to be

Hey, only if we're the ones who post the fascinating questions
and discussion items. The nifty thing about e-mail and mailing
lists is that anyone can post at any time anything that he or
she feels would be of interest--even if the item is just to see
if someone else is interested.

Maybe we klezmer fans are all from New York, or at least, act
that pushy about the music.

And remember that 20 years ago Jewish music was that Israeli
rot from the Sixties, still. (Like, i'll be excited about Phish
and their Jewish identities when they start playing the "Flatbush
Waltz," or do that vacuum cleaner solo thing to "Romania Romania.")
Of course, you go far  enough back and we've got the great cantors 
and such. And folks like Jan Peerce or Moyshe Oysher. But that's yet 
another subject. And you go really far back and you get Rossi ;-).)


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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